Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) importance

Today i will tell you peoples the importance of MTU in the world of Networks and Communication. We all are studying about studying what is MTU and all about its size. In our university life, we all are taught that MTU size is 1500 bytes and some theory related to MTU. But we don't it very serious and just remember the size of MTU.
But when we come to our practical life, there we see the real time experience what role really MTU plays in communication.

Lets me share an example of real environment.
I have two sites. One our HO and what is the remote site. We need to connect the VPN between the branches so that users in the remote branch are able to access the applications and emails. I use Cisco platforms at both ends for VPN connectivity and i successfully establish the VPN connection between the two sites and users are able to use all the applications.

Now if we change the scenario and we use different platforms on both sites. In this scenario, i use Cisco platform at our HO end and Sonicwall firewall at our branch end. On this platform the VPN successfully established but now the problem is users are not able to run their applications at branch end.

After several troubleshootings i finally reached at a point to focus on the MTU size because when we are creating a VPN we have a choice to decide the MTU for the particular interface. But when we are working on cisco platforms, there is no such need to set MTU size as it uses the default size for VPN connection.

But in this scenario we are using Sonicwall firewall and it is not able to set itself with the MTU size as specified on the Cisco router. Therefore we set a value on both devices and finally our branches applications are successfully working.

So after that i came to a point that how much important MTU is for communication between the networks. So make sure to explore MTU in depth especially when working on Multiplatforms technology.


Muhammad kamran khan
Manager Networks/Asst. Professor

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